19 Aug 2024

Francesca Magnolo

Researcher , Feedback EU

Francesca Magnolo works as a researcher for FeedbackEU on the interlink between agri-food systems sustainability and biomethane production. She is also a PhD candidate in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Ghent University. Her research focuses on green biorefinery technologies, examining their financial sustainability in on-farm settings and their broader role in a sustainable bioeconomy. As part of her PhD, she has contributed to AgRefine, a Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie research and innovation programme, collaborating with the European Biogas Association on the topic of sequential cropping for biomethane production at the European level. Francesca holds a degree in Environmental Engineering from Sapienza University of Rome and specialized in Industrial Ecology at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden.