Anna Schnürer
Anna Schnürer is a professor in Microbial Biotechnology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Her research is devoted to generate basic understanding on anaerobic microbial processes and microorganisms and to use this knowledge for different biotechnological applications. A strong research area is biogas production and to find links between microbial populations and process functions, with the aim to improve biogas yields and process stability. Another research area is the digestate and various issues related to it´s use as fertiliser. Possibilities to link the biogas systems to other energy production systems (hydrogen, ethanol, etc.) or for production of other value products, such as organic acids, or feed, are also area of interest. Part of the research is accomplished in collaboration with industry and branch organisations, and in collaboration with Linköping University in the frame of the Swedish competence center for biogas solutions (BSRC).