Refuelling agriculture with biomethane
Location: Inagro, Rumbeke-Beitem, Belgium
Date: September 2024
Photographer: Ilse Louwagie
Sent by: INAGRO, Belgium
Description: Biomethane offers a potent energy solution for agricultural enterprises, surpassing biogas in its energy yield. Inagro's research explores innovative methods to convert organic waste into biogas and further refine it into biomethane.
As part of the Biogas-MAMBO (SBO) and Value4Farm (Horizon Europe) projects, researchers conducted a thorough techno-economic analysis to assess the feasibility of three biogas upgrading technologies that will be installed at Inagro’s biogas plant. In addition, Inagro plans to establish its own refuelling station, where this biomethane will power a biomethane tractor. This approach not only achieves energy self-sufficiency but also enhances mobility independence within the agricultural sector.